EmpoweredME is all about building confidence in yourself and your business.
For 5 straight days, you'll be learning, meditating + affirming, embracing your empowered self with healthy mindset habits that'll transform your life through our #findfifteen series!
Whether you're passionate about building an awesome business, raising an awesome family, traveling the world, leading an inspiring team, teaching personal development or starting a new job or something totally different... we want to make sure you're able to go after that dream as your best self. You need LOTS of confidence, courage + inner calm to fuel your passions.
That's what EmpoweredME is all about.
Your Instructor
Maybe it’s you.
No, that isn’t a typo.
Those three words sparked a change in me that I never thought possible.
Ten years ago I found myself at my wit's end. I was living a vicious cycle of bad relationships, negative thinking, self-sabotage, and surrounded by problematic people who I blamed for the root of my problems. I decided I needed to be proactive about the situation. I purchased a book called: Dealing with Difficult People.
Perfect, I thought! A book that will help me tolerate all the difficult people in my life. Three chapters in, I stared down at the page and couldn’t believe my eyes. The page read: “maybe it’s you.”
I thought this was ridiculous! This book was supposed to equip me with the tools to deal with the unmanageable and tiring people I constantly found myself surrounded by.
I’d become so accustomed to blaming others for the situation my life was in that I had never, ever considered the solution to my problem could lie within myself. This book went on to completely shift my perspective about dealing with adversity in life.
This was the beginning of my personal development journey.
Ten years later I have completed numerous courses in life coaching and personal mastery. Working as a finance manager for 12 years and having only ever experienced the corporate world, I took the plunge and started my own business in 2014 called INSITE Mind.
The response my practice received in the first 6 months was overwhelming. There was a demand for self-development that just wasn’t being met in Perth. Combining my industry experience and new found skills in life coaching and development, I created and founded a corporate program and individual program that opened up the world of personal development for clients and companies throughout Perth.
I believe in helping people to take the step towards a happy, positive outlook on life in any way feasible. My programs are designed to assist those who are ready to look inside themselves for the answers. I am so passionate about sharing my love for learning and growth with the world. The adversity I have faced in my life has only made me more determined to help others see that there is another way!
I believe we all have a well of happy days inside of us and my programs are designed to help connect us to that very source.